Magnificent Dresses and Always Dream of women's Designer Dresses Collection
Red Focuses behind the retina which forces the lens grows more convex to pull it forward. Therefore we perceive that red areas are moving forward. This may explain why red captures attention.
It is well known that people stereotype other based on their skin color. Color also carry specific meaning such as good or bad that likely have important influences on psychological functioning.
Especially they were interested in whether certain colors were more likely to be associate with sex appeal and if so whether wearing them would make people more attractive to the opposite sex.
So when you think about sexiness what color first comes to mind? Red means different things to different cultures. American culture red often means sex. If you think about it most of the images that represent passionate love are red.
If red is typically associated with sex then does wearing red make a woman sexier? If you take a look at our movies, the answer would seem to be an unequivocal yes. Red makes women sexy.
When a photographer has given a work of rating attractiveness of woman than the result showed that men rated the woman in red as more attractive and more sexually desirable than the same woman in another color.
They were also more interested in dating the woman and indicated they would be willing to spend more money on her when she was dressed in red color. So men find women who wear red.
Re is more attractive to comparing any other colors. But maybe this result is because we have a stereotype about women who choose to wear red. That is why they were more interested in dating.
To address this possibility these researchers conducted another study. This time the woman in the photo wore the same outfit but stood in front of a red. And result is she is more attracted due to red.
Thus red color seems to be sexy to any women and make them so beautiful and attractive. This indicates that color influences our judgment in an automatic and primarily unconscious manner.
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