What to Wear to an Afternoon Tea Party?
Consult the host of the party to discover the type of tea party, such as a formal, garden, costume, or casual. This information helps you determine the appropriate clothing to wear.
To determine what to wear to an afternoon tea party, start by browsing the invitation. Sometimes the host requests specific attire in the text of the invitation.
If the host does not include attire information on the invitation, look for clues in the invitation about what attire to wear. For example, an afternoon princess tea party for children suggests you and your child dress inprincess gear, such asfancy dresses, white gloves, sparkly jewelry, and atiara.
Consider the location of the tea party. A tea party at a fancy hotel requires more formal attire, while a tea party in a garden is less formal.
When in doubt about the appropriate attire, call the host and ask.Selecting the appropriate outfit makes the occasion more enjoyable.
For most tea parties, follow the smart casual guidelines. If the tea is more formal or features a specific theme, contact your host or hostess to determine the best clothing to wear.
Choose clothes that are presentable and that you are comfortable in, with nicely styled hair and attractive shoes and accessories. Avoid excessively revealing clothing, as well as clothes such as ripped jeans, sport shoes, and T-shirts.
Consider the general attire of the location of the afternoon tea party, as well. For example, if the host holds the tea in an upscale restaurant or country club, check the restaurant or club's required attire and then dress appropriately.
Choose tea party attire that looks nice and feels comfortable. If you wish, experiment with fun fashions, such as hats and fascinators.
Select items of clothing to wear to the party that you can also wear for other occasions. Get prepared for your next afternoon tea party and find a stunning outfit to impress friends and family.